here is a stat that I keep quoting because I want to drill it into beginning copywriters so that they get it. It is a fact that 80% of the sales that you make will come from your headline alone. Why is this true? If the prospect reads your headline and is not impressed with it, he is NOT going to read the rest of he copy. The headline is what draws him in. The rest of the copy just seals the deal. So, in this article, I am going to give you a few killer headline generation tips that should greatly improve YOUR headlines.
Tip number one is to use a headline that asks the prospect a question. The reason this is effective is because when you ask somebody a question, it almost forces them to answer it. It's a psychological thing with people. Sometimes we'll answer questions that we don't even want to answer. So let's say we're writing copy for a make money online product and we come up with the following headline. "Would You Like To Earn An Extra $100 A Day For 10 Minutes Of Work?" Now, who in their right mind wouldn't? Certainly the prospect is going to at least answer the question yes or no. A yes answer will most likely result in them reading the rest of the copy.
A second great headline tactic is making a bold claim in the headline itself. When you make bold claims, it gets people's attention. Now naturally you have to be able to back that bold claim up with the rest of the copy, but the headline is going to keep them reading. So, something like the following headline "This Miracle Cure Will Rid You Of Your Acne In 3 Days...Guaranteed" is certainly going to get an acne sufferer's attention and quickly at that. Bold claims make great headlines.
Finally we have the personal story. These are great because they lend some real credibility to the copy. For example, a headline like "Truck Driver Earns $23,847 Monthly In His Spare Time" is going to really get the prospect interested. They're going to want to know what this guy's story is and yes, that's going to keep them reading. All you need to do is follow up with the truck driver's story and close the deal.
Headlines are so important to salescopy that they can make or break yours. So make sure you spend a lot of time on constructing your headline.
It could make the difference between sales and no sales.
By Steven Wagenheim
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